Nutrition Across the Nation: 2016 Community Rankings for Healthy Eating
Residents of Naples, FL, Barnstable Town, MA and Santa Cruz, CA report the highest levels of healthy eating in the United States according to Gallup and Sharecare’s 2016 Community Rankings for Healthy Eating report, which examines healthy eating across the nation, ranking 189 communities based on the question ‘Did you eat healthy all day yesterday?’
Healthy eating is at its lowest level in 2016, with 63.2% of U.S. adults reporting eating healthy all day the previous day, down from a high of 67.7% in 2010, representing a decline of over 10 million American adults eating healthy on any given day since that year.
This report also explores the relationship between healthy eating and various chronic diseases – obesity, diabetes, heart disease, depression and stress – finding those who ate healthy all day the previous day had lower disease burden across conditions than those who did not. This research suggests that an emphasis on healthy eating and sensible food policies could have a positive impact on lowering disease burden within communities nationwide.