Integrating Well-Being Information and the Multidimensional Adaptive Prediction Process to Estimate Individual-Level Future Health Care Expenditure Levels
December 01, 2016
Integrating Well-Being Information and the Multidimensional Adaptive Prediction Process to Estimate Individual-Level Future Health Care Expenditure Levels
Predicting Health Care Cost Transitions Using a Multidimensional Adaptive Prediction Process
January 21, 2015
Predicting Health Care Cost Transitions Using a Multidimensional Adaptive Prediction Process
Well-Being and Employee Health – How Employees’ Well-Being Scores Interact with Demographic Factors to Influence Risk of Hospitalization or an Emergency Room Visit
April 05, 2013
Well-Being and Employee Health – How Employees’ Well-Being Scores Interact with Demographic Factors to Influence Risk of Hospitalization or an Emergency Room Visit
Predicting Future Hospital Admissions: Can We Focus Intensive Readmission Avoidance Efforts More Effectively?
February 05, 2012
Predicting Future Hospital Admissions: Can We Focus Intensive Readmission Avoidance Efforts More Effectively?
Predictive Modeling: The Application of a Customer-Specific Avoidable Cost Model in a Commercial Population
January 01, 2012
Predictive Modeling: The Application of a Customer-Specific Avoidable Cost Model in a Commercial Population
Impact of Predictive Model-Directed End-of-Life Counseling for Medicare Beneficiaries
May 26, 2010
Impact of Predictive Model-Directed End-of-Life Counseling for Medicare Beneficiaries
Maximizing Care Management Savings through Advanced Total Population Targeting
June 01, 2009
Maximizing Care Management Savings through Advanced Total Population Targeting